Exams Looming? Have We Got Time to Produce a Yearbook?

Yes!  Because Meno Yearbooks will do all of the hard work for you!

We are not asking you to fit photos and text into design templates or fiddle around with fonts, colours and photo frame angles.

At Meno Yearbooks, we will do all of the design work.  So at this time of year, you still have time to produce a yearbook.

There are just a few steps to get up and running:

  1. Register at menoyearbooks.com
  2. Log in with the password we give you to select the design/content for your student pages. Students will be able to start completing their profiles within 24 hours.
  3. Set up and upload text and photos into your feature pages.
  4. Leave the rest to us. We will design and email you a fully designed PDF proof.

Noel, Zoe or Claire will be on hand to give you content ideas, answer your questions and make sure everything is finished on time.

Hear from you soon.